Mathematics and Statistics Circle of the NSBM Faculty of Computing successfully concluded the “In(pi)nity Rewards 23” Maths Quiz Competition with the Grand Finale and Awarding Ceremony held on 6th September 2023. The competition brought together over 100 mathematic enthusiasts of the faculty who put their mathematic prowess to the test over several rounds. Emerging in the Grand Finale, team “Eureka” became the winners while team “Mathmagicians” and team “Math Strangers” achieved 2nd and 3rd places respectively. 

The Grand Finale and the Awarding Ceremony of “In(pi)nity Rewards 23” were held in the graceful presence of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. Chaminda Rathnayake, Deans of Faculty of Computing, Dr. Rasika Ranaweera, heads of the departments at Faculty of Computing, academics and non-academics.