
About Alumni

Being a graduate of NSBM Green University gives you the opportunity to become a privileged part of a proud alumni community making a difference across the world.

NSBM Alumni Unit together with NSBM Alumni Association offers you many benefits, including platforms for interacting with fellow NSBM graduates, lecturers and NSBM Green University, career / professional development support via NSBM Career Guidance Service, privileges on postgraduate studies, events for networking, and publicity for your achievements.

The Alumni community is a global network of over six thousand individuals across multiple countries, and continues to grow annually. This is your community and your network. You can access this invaluable professional resource to help you achieve success.

NSBM Alumni Association

NSBM Alumni Association is the central umbrella body which represents all the Schools and their affiliated universities.

NSBM Green University expects the relationship between the Alumni and NSBM to be mutually beneficial to both parties. NSBM seeks to offer the alumni opportunities to help both professional development and/or their entrepreneurship development.

The success of the alumni members, their pride in NSBM and their Professional Feedback towards NSBM’s course content, quality of delivery and NSBM’s overall efforts to make globally employable graduates help strengthen NSBM. It is indeed a win-win relationship.

Objectives of The Alumni Association

The objectives of the Alumni Association should be to:

  1. Promote and encourage close relationships between NSBM and its alumni and among the Alumni themselves
  2. Provide and disseminate information regarding NSBM, its graduates, events, faculties and students, to the alumni
  3. Initiate and develop activities for the benefit of the Alumni
  4. Serve as a forum through which alumni may support and advance the pursuit of academic and/or professional excellence at NSBM
  5. To guide and assist alumni who have recently completed their degree program at NSBM to obtain training and/or employment and engage in productive pursuits useful to society

Objectives of The Alumni Association

An annual general meeting of the NSBM Alumni Association to be held every year in which the following Office Bearers of the NSBM Alumni Association will be appointed, subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the Alumni Association.

  1. Patrons / Advisory Board
  2. President and two Vice-Presidents
  3. General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary
  4. National Organizer and International Organizer
  5. Twelve Executive Committee Members
  6. Finance Secretary and Deputy Finance Secretary
  7. Internal Audit Officer
  8. Editor and Sub-Editor
  9. Liaison Officer of NSBM
  10. Vice-Presidents for Membership Affaires, Special Projects, Professional Development and Finance Standing Committees

Contact Us

NSBM Alumni Unit,
NSBM Green University,
Sri Lanka.