NSBM Green University hosted the Academics Development Workshop 2024.1 on the 10th of May 2024, aiming to enhance the teaching, research, and professional skills of NSBM academics.

Day 1 of the workshop kicked off with a series of enlightening sessions, spearheaded by renowned experts in their respective fields, comprising,

  • “Introduction and Importance of Academic Development” by Prof. Baratha Dodankotuwa, Head of Academic Development and Quality Assurance at NSBM Green University.
  • “Reflective Learning” led by Dr. Pavithra Godamunne, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Medical Education at the University of Kelaniya.
  • “Artificial and Human Brains: Impact on Teaching and Learning” by Prof. Henrik Hansson from Stockholm University, specializing in ICT, Culture, Flexible Learning, and Sustainable Development.
  • An engaging Icebreaker Session conducted by Mr. Prasanna Perera, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Business.
  • “New Technological Tools and Techniques for Higher Education” by Prof. Roshan Gabriel Ragel, Head of Computer Engineering at the University of Peradeniya.

Following these enriching sessions, participants delved into specialized tracks tailored to their respective faculties:

  • Faculty of Business: Role of Business Teaching Faculty for Delivering 360° Impact, delivered by Prof. Ravindra Dissanayake, Director of the Staff Development Centre at the University of Kelaniya.
  • Faculty of Science: Turning Ideas into Gold – The Art of Collaborative Innovation and Industry Partnerships in Research Commercialization, elucidated by Dr. Gayan Priyadarshana, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenapura.
  • Faculty of Computing: A session led by Prof. Roshan Gabriel Ragel, delving into cutting-edge advancements and strategies in computer engineering.
  • Faculty of Engineering: Education Psychology, a crucial exploration into the psychological underpinnings of education, led by Dr. Chamara Liyanage, Psychological Counselor and Facilitator.