
Ms. Jinandi Chathurya




Attached to the Department of English and Modern Languages of NSBM, she contributes to the faculties of Business, Computing and Engineering by lecturing English Language, Academic Writing Skills, and Business Communication. She is also the staff advisor for the English Literary Association and the Rotaract Club of NSBM. Miss Jinandi Chathurya is a graduate of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature and Linguistics. She worked as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of English, University of Sri Jayewardenepura before joining NSBM. Her research interests lie in modernist and existential literature, Sri Lankan literature, teaching English and English literature in a second language context, and sociolinguistics.

Journal Publications

  1. Chathurya, P. (2019). Big Brother and Foucault: Power of Surveillance in 1984. Journal Of The Faculty Humanities And Social Sciences, 8(8), 53-61. https://www.hss.ruh.ac.lk/JFHSS/Vol8Iss2/Volume%208%20Issue%202_Paper%203.pdf

Conference (Full Paper) Publications

  1. Chathurya, P. (2021). Striving for superiority: comparative psychoanalysis of Jay Gatsby and Lord Voldemort. In International Research Conference for Humanities and Social Sciences 2021 (p. 41). Nugegoda; University of Sri Jayawardenepura. http://fhss.sjp.ac.lk/wpcontent/uploads/2021/05/Book-of-Abstracts-IRCHSS-2021-E-version.pdf
  2. Chathurya, P. (2019). Supporting and Refuting Whorf: An Analysis of Selected Evidence of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. In International Conference on Business Innovation (pp. 70-74). Homagama, Sri Lanka; NSBM Green University. https://www.nsbm.ac.lk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ICOBI-2019-Proceedings.pdf

Ongoing Research

1. Use of videos in ESL classroom (a systematic literature review)