Prof. E. A. Weerasinghe, the visionary Founding Vice Chancellor of NSBM Green University, has been awarded the prestigious MOC Awards – Most Outstanding Citizen 2024 by Lions International.
This distinguished award recognizes and honors Prof. Weerasinghe’s “Exceptional Contribution to Society,”  for for his truly exceptional, sustained contribution, which provides inspiration for others, which has influenced change, made an impact and demonstrable contribution to the community.
This honor was presented to Prof. Weerasinghe at the 19th Annual District Convention of Lions International, held on June 9, 2024, at Hotel Galadari in Colombo.
Prof. E. A. Weerasinghe stands as a paragon of innovation and dedication in the field of higher education in Sri Lanka His exceptional leadership as the Director General of NIBM saw the institution’s remarkable transformation into a modern, thriving entity within a mere five years. Pioneering a visionary concept, he foresighted NSBM Green University, which became a groundbreaking reality in 2016. Since then, Prof. Weerasinghe’s pivotal role in establishing and leading NSBM Green University has empowered thousands of students to turn their aspirations into tangible achievements.
This prestigious award serves as a testament to Prof. Weerasinghe’s unwavering commitment, forward-thinking vision, and substantial contributions, which marks a significant milestone in his illustrious career and his profound impact on education and societal progress.