NSBM Marketing Circle Empowers Growing Minds Through Books

Introducing ‘පිටු අතරින් ලොව බලන්න‘ – Empowering Minds Through Books, the Marketing Circle of NSBM Green University has successfully concluded ‘පිටු අතරින් ලොව බලන්න” CSR project that made a significant impact on the education of school children.  

Through this initiative, a wide variety of books, including educational books, novels, textbooks, workbooks, and more, were generously donated to Wijewardhana Maha Vidyalaya – Kiriwaththuduwa, a school that previously lacked a library. The donation of over 1500 books enabled the school to establish a much-needed library, benefiting a large number of students. This library now serves as a valuable resource centre, providing students with access to a diverse collection of books.  

This CSR project was graced by the Lecturers in charge of the Marketing Circle, Ms. Kalni Peiris and Mr. Piumal Herath, the Lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, Mr. Hasantha Dissanayake and the Executive Board of the Marketing Circle of NSBM. The project successfully fulfilled its goal of empowering young minds through the power of books among students.