FoC Industry Day of NSBM concludes on a triumphant note

The FoC Industry Day conducted by the NSBM Career Guidance Unit in collaboration with the NSBM Faculty of Computing(FoC) was held on 16th March 2022 at the NSBM Student Centre. This was specially organized to provide career opportunities for graduates of the NSBM FoC who are available for full-time employment. In addition, undergraduates of NSBM also attended the event in search of internships.

Over 25 leading tech companies seeking candidates for full-time employment and internships opportunities participated in this mutually beneficial initiative to conduct walk-in interviews and recruit suitable candidates. Many successful candidates received the opportunity to be recruited as IT and Computing professionals at the event itself.

The Vice-Chancellor of NSBM Green University, Prof. E. A. Weerasinghe declared open the NSBM Career Fair in the presence of Dr Rasika Ranaweera, Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Academic staff members of NSBM FoC. Representatives from the participating companies were also present at the opening ceremony.

Virtusa, 99X Technology, SyscoLabs, HCL, Pearson, CodeGen, Orel IT, Wiley, Dialog, SLT Mobitel, Softlogic, ExactPro, Innovative-e, Sana Commerce, Persistent Systems, Techwire, Eutech, Board PAC, Micronet, Rumex, Shield Technology, Lankacom and Azentech were companies participated the FoC Industry Day and the cooperation of these companies, immensely impacted towards the success of the event.