E minds 2020 organized by the Faculty of Computing

E minds 2020 was held on 13 February to showcased the talents of the first-year students of the Faculty of Computing on diverse areas of Advancing technology.
The event was designed to make people aware of the latest renowned global trends of the modern-day ICT driven world by acknowledging a wider range of opportunities gained from the developing technological era.
The exhibition was ceremonially commenced with the participation of the Vice-Chancellor of NSBM, Prof. E A Weerasinghe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Chaminda Rathnayake, Dean of the faculty Dr. Rasika Ranaweera, and Academic staff of NSBM.
This was organized by students under the guidance of the module leaders Prof.Chaminda Rathnayake & Mr.Saravanapavan Nasiketha. NSBM held the above exhibition for the third time.